Punch & Judy

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Punch & Judy
Punch's Oak, Cleobury Road, Far Forest, Worcs  DY14 9EB
Tel: 01299 266634  Fax: 01299 266561
E-mail: glyn@punch-and-judy.com
Website: http://punch-and-judy.com
A traditional Punch and Judy show with full supporting cast.  For carnivals, fun days, festivals, corporate entertainment and leisure events.  Supporting cast includes Toby the plate spinning dog, puppets, bubble displays and diverse surprises.

Ray Sparks - The Versatile Magician
3 Cuckmere Walk, Eastbourne, East Sussex  BN22 0BX
Tel: 01323 509622  Fax: 01323 509622  Mobile: 07778 642 687 and 0771 2222345
E-mail: ray@sparksmagic.freeserve.co.uk
Website: http://www.zap.to/ray-sparks