Anything To Hire     Entry Form

Welcome to Anything To Hire, the internet directory of everything and anything to hire.  Comprehensive, dedicated, easy-to-use internet directories like Anything To Hire are being used more and more by people wanting to access one site containing all the relevant information they need.  

With today's busy consumer grabbing every minute they can, having access to information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week will take the pressure out of an already stressful task of organising what they need, when they need it, and more importantly, where to find it.

With the Internet growing at a rapid rate and e-commerce becoming the buzzword of today, where better than to advertise your business than on a dedicated Hire directory on the World Wide Web.  Our target market ranges from individuals to corporates who are specifically searching for a service such as your own. Anything To Hire will promote your business reaching YOUR target audience and you will receive all leads directly from the customers.

You can bring your business to their attention from as little as £10 a year.  (This is less that the cost of a newspaper advertisement for one week.)   We aim to create maximum exposure for Anything To Hire. 

The cost of an entry for one year in this directory is only £10 for a SILVER entry, £20 for a GOLD entry, and £30 for a PLATINUM entry.  
These prices include entry in up to three categories for the same price, providing they are all relevant to your business.

£10 SILVER ENTRY  -  Name, address, phone no., fax no., e-mail address, and website address with hyperlinks.  (If you do not have e-mail or website at present these details can be added later if needed, at no additional charge).  

£20 GOLD ENTRY  -  Name in large type, address, phone no., fax no., e-mail address, and website address with hyperlinks,  and a description of your business/service with up to 100 words of text.  Priority listing above Silver entries.

£30 PLATINUM ENTRY  - As the Gold Entry, plus a whole page advertising your business.  Photographs, logos, illustrations etc. can be included on this page.  Priority listing above Gold entries.


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